Tuesday 17 December 2013

Holidays are coming - Coca-Cola Christmas

i really like this advertisement especially as its coming close to Christmas because the coca-cola trucks are shown to be very magical. and the part where the man is in the car with his son, they become closer together so its saying at Christmas you should be together. by showing that the trucks are magical it gives us the idea that the coke is also magical so it represents a lot of things. we know its magical because as the trucks pass all the lights that are not turned on they automatically turn on even though one of them hasn't been plugged in.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Denotation and Connotation

  • this is a photo that advertises a perfume called THE KEY by Justin Bieber.
  • in this photo the main focus is on the woman in the background as she has a circle of light around her. i think the main focus is on her neck because if you zoomed in you would be able to see she is wearing a key around her neck which shoes that whatever the key is for its special as she keeps it around her neck.
  • the perfume bottle then has a lock on it which the key probably fits, we know this because there is a matching key on the bottle so its saying the perfume is special.
  • as you can see she is also laying on the bed looking quite comfortable which could mean she is wearing this perfume that is special to her so she feels comfortable to show of her scent as it smells nice- i think this because she has her arms spread out with her head turned to the side showing her neck and usually wear perfume on our neck.
  •  the perfume bottle is white so it stands out- everything in this photo also looks quite sophisticated and white is a sophisticated colour.
  • i say everything looks sophisticated because Justin looks very grown up in a suit and his body posture is showing that he owns something as hes holding onto his top.  

Tuesday 17 September 2013

media product i most like

I chose to write about the film Twilight.
This is a story made up of 5 films about a ordinary girl that falls in love with a vampire but also starts to like a wolf that she has known since she was little but the wolfs and vampires don't like each other.
Because the vampire has started to date the girl the head of vampires see's this as really wrong so he does anything he can to try kill the girl because she knows the secret about vampires and could tell anyone and the only way for her not to be killed is to be turned into a vampire but Edward doesn't want this (the vampire shes dating) because he wants her to keep her life.
Eventually towards the end of the films the girl marries the vampire and the wolfs and vampires work together as a team to save the girl and they have a half human half vampire child.
The girl then gets turned into a vampire to be saved as she nearly dies giving birth to there child.
I like this film because it has a really interesting story line to it and it constantly keeps you interested.
I could never get bored of this film no matter how many times i watch it because there's always new surprises that you haven't noticed before.
There is also books of this film and once you have read them it brings out more detail in the films.

Friday 13 September 2013

i chose media studies because in the future i hope to be a photographer and i think this will help me because it involves cameras so it will get me used to using them. i also think this subject will be interesting and i think it will be layed back as well as having to work hard. it will also teach me how to edit stuff and i will learn lots of skills that i don't already have.