Tuesday 17 September 2013

media product i most like

I chose to write about the film Twilight.
This is a story made up of 5 films about a ordinary girl that falls in love with a vampire but also starts to like a wolf that she has known since she was little but the wolfs and vampires don't like each other.
Because the vampire has started to date the girl the head of vampires see's this as really wrong so he does anything he can to try kill the girl because she knows the secret about vampires and could tell anyone and the only way for her not to be killed is to be turned into a vampire but Edward doesn't want this (the vampire shes dating) because he wants her to keep her life.
Eventually towards the end of the films the girl marries the vampire and the wolfs and vampires work together as a team to save the girl and they have a half human half vampire child.
The girl then gets turned into a vampire to be saved as she nearly dies giving birth to there child.
I like this film because it has a really interesting story line to it and it constantly keeps you interested.
I could never get bored of this film no matter how many times i watch it because there's always new surprises that you haven't noticed before.
There is also books of this film and once you have read them it brings out more detail in the films.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Charley. You have described the story well and expressed you feelings about the films.

    What in particular draws you to them? Is it the romance? Is it the fantasy?
